Es en la ciudad de Taiz en Yemen

23 fotos de zoológico abandonado en zona de guerra que no podrán dejarte indiferente

Si bien es cierto, ya tener animales en cautiverio es una estupidez, imagínense lo atroz que es cuando estas instalaciones son abandonadas dejando a los animales a su suerte.

Por Pato Lakes


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Estas imágenes son una evidencia más de la crueldad y la estupidez humana. Fueron tomadas en una zoológico abandonado en plena zona de guerra en la ciudad de Taiz en Yemen.

Tras los ataques aéreos sufridos el personal a cargo del recinto abandonó las instalaciones, dejando olvidados a un importante número de grandes felinos enjaulados.

Tristemente y como es de suponer, los animales quedaron absolutamente sin ninguna asistencia. Dentro de sus jaulas, en peores condiciones que los presos, no recibieron atención médica ni alimentos por varios días.

Incluso, muchos de ellos quedaron heridos producto de los daños colaterales producidos por los enfrentamientos que afectaron al zoológico.

Afortunadamente, un grupo de voluntarios se organizó para conseguir ayuda veterinaria y alimentos para los animales cautivos. Por el momento no han logrado concretar el traslado de estos felinos a un ambiente más propicio como un refugio.

Las imágenes no son agradables y dejan latente la crueldad y la maldad del hombre. Definitivamente, otra muestra de la sinrazón de los zoológicos.

Lion roar Yemen zoo

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

PIC FROM CATERS NEWS - This is the heart-breaking roar of a once noble male lion reduced to skin and bone trapped in a zoo in the middle of a WARZONE Staring from behind rusted bars in a urine and blood-soaked cage barely a few feet wide this king of the jungle almost seems to be crying for help trapped at Taiz Zoo, in war-torn Yemen. The Middle-Eastern country has been in the middle of a bloody civil war since March last year and the human cost has already been sickening. But in the middle of air raids and tank shells one man and a small group of volunteers cross the front line every day to go and care for the animals of the zoo. Bassam Al-Hakimi, 25, once owned an internet caf that has been destroyed and he was an industrial engineering student before the conflict. SEE CATERS COPY

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