Fotógrafa captura belleza y ternura de niños con Síndrome de Down

Jullie Willson inició una campaña fotográfica para mostrarle al mundo que todos los niños son hermosos y únicos.

Por Estefanía González


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La fotógrafa Julie Willson capturó la belleza y la alegría de muchas familias, desde compromisos hasta bodas pasando por nacimientos y acontecimientos importantes en la vida de los niños.

Willson sabe que cada familia y cada niño son hermosos y especiales a su propio modo.

La hermana de Willson, Dina, nació con Síndrome de Down. Mientras algunas personas podían ver en ella solamente a una niña con una discapacidad, Willson y sus padres sabían ver mejor que nadie la persona única que Dina era.

Cuando Dina murió hace algunos años, Willson decidió que necesitaba ayudar a otras personas a ver la belleza de cada chico con Síndrome de Down y comenzó este proyecto fotográfico para mostrarle al mundo lo especial que son todos los chicos.

Julie Willson, who took each of these photos, grew up with a sister, Dina, who had Down Syndrome. She calls Dina the "the best thing that could have happened to our family."


Sadly, Dina passed away four years ago due to congestive heart failure. This is common in those who have Down Syndrome.


Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by the presence of an extra chromosome. It can affect anyone, but thanks to medical advancements, people with Down Syndrome are living longer, happier, healthier lives.


But because of her heart condition, Dina was not expected to live long. However, with help from her family, she doubled her life expectancy.


Julie says that thanks to her parents, Dina lived a full, happy life.


Willson describes Dina as having a "sweet, yet stubborn" personality, and that she was able to love unconditionally and didn't waster her time worrying.


As a result of knowing and growing up with Dina, Willson today wants to help others appreciate people with Down Syndrome, and help them see their individual, unique personalities.


She wants to let parents know that while it has its challenges, Down Syndrome is nothing to fear, and won't make the child's or the parents' lives any worse.


And to show people everywhere that those with Down Syndrome have just as much to offer the world as anyone else.


She hopes that these photos will help people see that children with Down Syndrome have so much to give.




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