(Fotos) Pestañea y pierde con estas bizarras ilusiones ópticas que demostrarán como tus propios ojos te engañan

Estas imágenes extrañas demuestran que a veces las cosas no son como parecen a primera vista o te dicen simplemente que tus ojos te engañan

Por Leo Robles


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Redes Sociales / Tendencias

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Estas imágenes extrañas demuestran que a veces las cosas no son como parecen a primera vista o te dicen simplemente que tus ojos te engañan.
Por este motivo personas de todo el mundo han estado compartiendo imágenes en una galería en línea que requiere una doble toma, incluidas algunas ilusiones ópticas muy groseras.
Algunos te harán rascarte la cabeza y entrecerrar los ojos hasta que finalmente tenga sentido.
A primera vista, una familia parece posar para una fotografía inocente en el bosque, pero su perro simplemente no podía aguantarse porque se lo puede ver levantando su pierna hacia un árbol a solo metros detrás de ellos.
Otra imagen muestra lo que parece un hombre con un brazo anormalmente largo que se extiende sobre el hombro de una mujer al azar y guarda algo en el bolsillo trasero de los jeans.
Una imagen muestra un perrito acostado en una alfombra con lo que parece un hueso perforando su pelaje, pero resulta ser un gato que descansa sobre él, lo cual es probablemente muy extraño para ser sincero.
A continuación las imágenes que definitivamente requieren una larga mirada:

This woman looks like she's wearing earrings, but closer inspection shows it's actually two people taking a perfectly positioned dip

Cat nap! The kitten resting on top of this Staffy is perfectly camouflaged to anyone nearby 

La siesta de un gato maestro del camuflaje.

 This man probably didn't know how funny he'd look side-on. So where do those long legs come from?

Do as I say, not as I do: This dog copies a little boy by getting comfy on the couch beside him

May the force be with you! He's wise, but not in quite the same way as the three wise men beside him as Star Wars' Yoda can be seen gatecrashing this nativity scene 

When you've got to go, you've got to go: This pose was perfect for the family photo album, until they checked the picture and saw their pet dog ruined the moment in the background

The naked driver! At first glance it looks as if this motorcyclist is nude. But on closer inspection all is not as it seems, with the passenger on the back of his bike holding the key to the illusion

 This perfectly timed photo makes it look like the woman pictured is hovering above her heels

A snowman version of Snoopy lying on top of a dog house is odd enough, but that's before you spot the face of US comedian Steve Harvey lurking in the window in the background

Stretch Armstrong! At first glance it seems like the man is placing something in the back pocket of a stranger in this optical illusion

Photo bomb! This hilarious picture was meant to be a romantic photo, but a complete stranger interrupts the romance by staring blankly into the lens

You may now kiss the water dispenser: Two office appliances have been dressed up for a wedding

The stillness of the dog in this photo makes it look more like a wall-mounted decoration 

Octo-tree! This weird-looking tree trunk looks like it belongs at the bottom of the ocean and not in the middle of the woods

It's hard to tell whether this image looks like a massive cookie or seven tiny lumps of chocolate

That's tree-normous! Two trees give off the illusion of a floating shadow which definitely requires a double take

There's something fishy going on here: A giant cloud bears an uncanny resemblance to an aquatic animal

Someone is in trouble! A cheeky dog tries to hide in plain sight as its owner comes home to a mess in the living room

Cheeky! A man's bottom manages to make it into what would otherwise be an innocent family photo

This Twitter user clearly felt his armchair bore an uncanny resembles to child actor Gaten Matarazzo from the popular Netflix series Stranger Things


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