Defenders of Human Rights are not liked by Fascism, but they are liked even less by Kast and his followers

The anecdotal of the last 'Kasteada', so to speak, on this occasion and as almost always, makes it possible to see more clearly what could have happened in the country and what would have been suffered firsthand by all of Chile.

Por Ronald Ángel


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Bad news arrives almost daily from Colombia about massacres and murders, where the victims of fascism —the vast majority— are usually social fighters, environmental activists, indigenous people, peasants, Afro-descendants, migrants, children, women and human rights defenders.

These events increasingly swell the deadly lists that in the Colombian case require adding tens of thousands of displaced and ‘disappeared’, victims of the internal armed conflict, paramilitarism, drug trafficking and the execution of false positives, where the extreme right and fascism are always protagonists and victimizers.

This is how the ‘flags’ of supremacism are raised, of right-wing extremism, which is not only usually with lies and cheating, but they are also capable of doing whatever is necessary to eradicate the adversary and, above all, silence him at any cost.

This time, the bad news does not come from Colombian territory but from within the National Congress of Chile, which, right in the midst of a popular transformation and when the vast majority of the country is promoting a change of path towards a new historical cycle, has decided — once again—going against the will of the citizens, by making a terrible stumble within the legislature after stepping on the decoy that, with his face well washed, has been left by one of the Kast clan, the nephew of the former presidential candidate who lost against Gabriel Boric, the same one who is a senator and is called Felipe.

Felipe, was immersed (or perhaps he still is almost obsessively) with the idea of silencing one of the few voices that rise from the Chilean Congress against fascism, lies and media manipulation, while defending —at all costs— — respect for human rights and the quality of life of Chileans. It is that the words of Senator Alejandro Navarro have always been uncomfortable for the right and even more so for the extreme right.

This position of the Kast family is not accidental, much less surprising. The anecdotal of the last ‘Kasteada’, so to speak, on this occasion and as almost always, makes it possible to see more clearly what could have happened in the country and what the Chilean people would have suffered in its own flesh if Felipe’s uncle, José Antonio, had reached the Presidency: Everyone’s Human Rights would end up «censored» at a stroke of the pen and would surely have gone to waste.

Was the fascist coup against Navarro or against Chile?

Last Tuesday, January 25, 2022, Felipe Kast, the nephew of José Antonio, the uncle with whom he fights from time to time but also applauds him, carried out a murky maneuver within the Senate to remove, from the Presidency of the Commission of Human Rights of the Senate of Chile, Senator Alejandro Navarro, the same congressman from the Biobío Region, who is also a professor of Philosophy and who has dared to bring the truth of nations attacked by the US and its complicit governments, such as Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, where their populations have been victims of systematic harassment against their fundamental rights through the imposition of commercial and financial blockades, unilateral coercive measures and sanctions that have deteriorated their quality of life, forcing many families to to take new directions abroad to try to flee from the adversities —fundamentally economic— that they have had to live through, due to the action of the extreme right.

The arguments of Felipe Kast and his companions to remove Senator Navarro from the presidency of the Human Rights Commission did not have to be thought of much. They took the narrative of their outgoing president, Sebastián Piñera, the same used by other spokesmen of the South American extreme right such as Iván Duque and Luis Almagro. Surely they copied the context of some other media outlets that accompany the editorial line against Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela, and repeated the discourse that the United States recurrently emits against these countries, as pointed out by the main Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels with his terrible but famous phrase «a lie told a thousand times, becomes a great truth».

In his last trick, Felipe only needed a few seconds to hit the defender of human rights in the Chilean Senate. With a few accomplices, he set up a session with an «incidental» president to proceed with the censorship against Senator Navarro, a fact that after materializing, he disclosed it as a great achievement on his social networks.

“It cost, but it was achieved. We censored Navarro», says a video by Felipe Kast posted on Twitter, where he also said that «finally» the Senate was «up to the task», because they had managed to «censor» and «remove» a human rights defender, but according to him, he did «justice» with the «thousands of victims» of the «violations» in Venezuela, Cuba and Nicaragua, which have sponsored characters that the Kast family usually supports, as is the terrible case of Juan Guaidó, who has radicalized the promotion of the total blockade against Venezuelans and Venezuelan migration.

Why silence Navarro?

A natural trait of the Kast clan is, without a doubt, to attack human rights. The case of Senator Navarro also makes this very clear. In the Chilean parliament, Navarro dedicated himself systematically to denounce the abuses that were committed over and over again against Chileans who went out to protest against the Piñera regime and its unpopular decrees that ended up raising the voices of the majorities that were historically discriminated against. and silenced, the same ones that gave Boric the presidential victory and that left José Antonio wanting.

Senator Navarro was also one of the few to defend the human rights of citizens who suffered the repression and police brutality represented by the carabineros, which showed its worst moment when many of the citizens who demonstrated massively against Piñera were violently attacked. Many of these citizens lost their eyes, others ended up with serious injuries and with illegal and arbitrary detentions that were carried out against activists who are now political prisoners, and that are now added to the innumerable violations committed against the population by the government.

Silencing Navarro’s voice in the Senate and removing him from the platform represented by the Human Rights Commission, beyond the fact of censorship that it implies in itself, is a clear sentence from the extreme right to those who dare to assume the truth and claim the fundamental rights of the population in a regime that is more fascist than capitalist, while hiding behind the supposed economic prosperity that has left millions of Chileans on the brink of poverty and inequality.

By silencing Navarro’s uncomfortable voice in Congress, or «censoring» it as they themselves say, is nothing more than a warning to Chilean citizens about what the true actions of the extreme right are like and especially of the Kast family, which has made it clear that their ego is filled every time a blow is dealt to dignity, to morality, while fascism and the ghost of Pinochetism advance in Chile.

In case there is any doubt, you just have to review the reaction that José Antonio, Felipe’s uncle, had when they ended up dismissing Navarro from the Commission. “A good news among so many tragedies”, although he did not make it clear if it was the defeat of fascism by the triumph of the leftist Gabriel Boric in the general election.

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